Tuesday, July 7, 2009

mencari mask bedesign


time ni hot sal H1N1..
p saat2 mcm ni jua masih ada org behibun sal penyakit yg makin menjadi2 ni..

ok time ni ramai org kai mask..
p ada org (saya n da gang) mau mask yg bedesign.. hahaha..
so kepada sapa2 yg ada terjumpa mask yg bedesign bejual d brunei ni.. bulih giatu dmna?~ hehehehe

p knpa spa2 yg mendesign sendiri kai pen.. plz~ jgn wat mcm 2.. bkn plg sakit sal H1N1,, ketagihan plg krg hidu bau ink pen.. p baik gi ketagihan dri sakit keracuan hidu ink pen.. seriously,,plz jgn wat mcm 2,, jaga kesihatan..hehehe

kpd org yg tau dh damam n stay d umah masih, plz cek up.. u dun know what may happen 2 u.. hehehehe

Monday, July 6, 2009

assalamualaikum~ n hai..

1st day after long school break!! welcome back 2 school!! hahaha.
1st yo!! within 2 year belajar d smsa, jam berabis tdi!!.. than awal pg gi 2 kna cek.. wah rasa mcm kn masuk hospital..hahaha.

do u believe in karma?..emM~
i ever dun believe someone that are really close 2 me.. than when i try 2 avoid that 'non trust thing'.. Then next thing i know, that person hard 2 believe me..
itz really hurt when ppl dun believe in us..

ppl mind are always set with something that they know or realize from other ppl..
e.g.. when we see our parents not as the young couple,, we always say like diz 'al~ awal2 ja 2 manja2 n mesra2 nanti lama2 sangal tia 2..'
Here we set our mind by saying that only on the early state of the relationship we will 'manja2 n mesra2' with our partner..
so, when we are in da relationship we will always think this 'thing' n dun believe that da relationship will last long or it will last long but never be da some as the 1st state in da relationship..

we can change this!! by thinking positive about da relationship n both of the partner should also believe they can stay 'manja2 n mesra2' even thought they have been 2gether for a century.. hehehe..
most important thing is,, if there are alot of laughter in da relationship.. itz is much more better..

congress 2 da long lasting couple who still 'manja2 n mesra2' till form da beginning of ur relationship till now.. hehehe

#colour of life#
-love need laughter n care-

i wish,, i can have long lasting relationship n happiness.. hehehe.. n wish all of u believe in ur relationship.hahaha (apa kn~ :p)

Sunday, July 5, 2009

heart ->> emotional ->> food!!

assalamualaikum.. hai!!

hahaha, yup2 lama dh ku nda up-date blog ku.. ani pun meng'up-date' kai hp.hehehe

cita ku ari ni sal 'heart, emotional n food'..
most ppl believe that, sometimes our body size increase n decrease in turn with what's going om in our hearts, heads and beds..

some of us, we will eat a lot when we have problem or even worst when we have heartbreak.. this will increase our body size quickly ; from 10 to 12..

however, there are some ppl loss their weigh due 2 stress, problem n so on; which this may lead lost intrest eating..

most ppl now a days eat with their 'heart/feeling' not 'mouth'
like me!! hehehe

so~ control ur emotional..
if u have problem, share it with someone..

#colour of life#
- food help but also may kill us-
(hahahaha apa kn?) :p